Welcome to my website Gardener Shicole! Here you will be able to follow my family’s gardening journey which includes urban gardening and harvest recipes.
Who is Gardener Shicole?
My name is Shawnta (Shawn-tay) Shicole (Sh-cole), and I am a married mother of identical twin boys. When I am not gardening, I am a full-time education consultant through Blazing Brilliance, serving schools and education adjacent organizations across Indiana and beyond. I also teach at the university level and supervise student teachers. I'm an education writer and editor for Indy Kids Winning (formerly known as Indy K12 & Indy/Ed) & I host an education podcast called Brazen Education. Last, I am the CEO & Co-Founder of Brave Brothers Books, LLC.
Most importantly, I was taught at an early age the power of connecting family through growing your own food.
My Journey to Gardening!
As a child, I remember visiting my Great Uncle Moses' home and walking through the many rows of his large vegetable garden. People from his neighborhood stopped by on the weekends to socialize and to pick vegetables. When I was in first grade, my parents purchased a house. A few years later, my dad and his cousin tilled part of our backyard, and we started our own garden. Having a garden in my backyard as a child grew my love of gardening.
In 2006, I married my wonderful husband Jermaine, and the following year, 2007, we purchased our first house. A couple of years after living in our home, I wanted to begin my own garden, similar to what my father did. In 2009, my dad built us a 3 x 6 raised bed, and we have been gardening ever since.
In 2019, right before the COVID-19 pandemic, we moved to our current home, only four streets from our first home. My husband, twin boys, and I have been rebuilding our garden. What is great is that we are avoiding the design flaws we had in our first garden.
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